"Blues In The Night"

"Blues In The Night"
From the show, Piano Man, onboard "Radiance Of The Seas" Royal Caribbean

Saturday 26 March 2011

5b. Codes of conduct in my workplace.

Luckily just the other day I was called up to do my annual training of Business Ethics. It was perfect timing and really helped me when I thought in depth about my code of conduct in the workplace but also the standards that Royal Caribbean expect outside of the theatre too.
The main thing I find very different about working on a ship is the fact that you are never really "off" duty, unless your in crew area. If you are anyway where guests may see you then you must always be acting appropriately and look presentable. Working in a theatre on land is different since as soon as the show is over and you leave, your done for the day and you can dress and act however you please. So I had to also consider some of the codes of conducts that relate to my job outside of the theatre too.
- Always arrive one hour prior to show time and 15 minutes before small events.
- Sign in on the arrival sheet.
- Receive notes from Dance Captain.
- Check notice board for schedule changes /extra rehearsals
- No cast members are allowed in the audience once house doors are open
- No audience members allowed backstage at anytime
- No smoking backstage
- No food/drink backstage unless it's water.
- No eating/drinking in costume
- Always look presentable when in guest area
- Smile and greet the guests
Since Royal Caribbean is such a big company they have set up guidelines on how to interact with the guests too and really try reinforce it upon there employers. There called the Gold Anchor Standards.
G - Greet and smile all guests
O - Own the problem
L - Look the part
D - Deliver the wow
This is another part of my job that doesn't necessarily relate to my job as a dancer, but an extra part that goes into performing onboard a cruise ship and how they would like us to act. 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting to see the code of conduct for your job. How do you see them fitting into wider ethical ideas and wider values. Do you think that by giving you training about the codes of conduct they are meeting other ethical or conduct codes between you and them? What values do you see informing the codes and the actions?

    Do you have any personal codes of conduct or ethical 'actions' that are not imposed by others?

    It's an interesting topic.
