"Blues In The Night"

"Blues In The Night"
From the show, Piano Man, onboard "Radiance Of The Seas" Royal Caribbean

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Professional Communications Technology

After reading through our reader on Professional Communication Technologies, I now realise exactly why I wanted to do this course in the first place.
Although I feel I understood all the things that Web 2.0 could offer me, I don't feel like I have really used them to my advantage despite working professionally. I have my CV, and I have a showreel. But I feel so many more opportunities could of arisen if I had really developed all of the uses available via Web 2.0.

Working abroad I've often felt like i haven't been able to get in contact with prospective employer's, or if I haven't been able to attend the audition, I haven't really got enough sources available to advertise me as much as I would of liked. Creating all the available technologies, like a Blog, and a portfolio on Flickr and getting feedback from people via a Blog, or Facebook seems such a simple way to constantly be improving yourself that you might necessarily not of even put much thought into before.
Previously I have watched my friend's showreel's or past work they have done that they have uploaded onto YouTube, and I have told them what I felt work and what I thought we're the most impressive parts, but am I more bias because I have a personal connection to them? For example, I may think that something doesn't work very well but because they're a personal friend I may not be as frank as to say I don't like it. Or on the other hand, I may think it's better than it is because i know the person and like the person.

However i am still working on developing my skills with Web 2.0 and have to create and upload photo's onto Flickr. I am now in the process of selecting some photo's that show off different aspects of me as a dancer... so look out for them soon! =)


  1. Hi Melissa
    I too hadn't realised the benefits of web 2.0 or the web based technologies that are so readily available to us. I guess for you being away on a ship is a great way to take advantage of this and get the ball rolling so that when you are back on land you can continue to do so. I'm feeling very inspired to complete my showreel and get it online!

  2. Hi Joanna,

    Yes it is a great way to stay in the loop when your out of the country for such long period's of time.
    Definitely get that showreel up, it's one fo the BEST ways to market yourself, in my opinion!! I'll look forward to seeing it!!!
