"Blues In The Night"

"Blues In The Night"
From the show, Piano Man, onboard "Radiance Of The Seas" Royal Caribbean

Monday 31 October 2011

Thoughts from analysising my data

I created a survey aimed towards dancers to discover how they felt towards becoming a Dance Captain. Whether they wanted to become a dance captain in the future or had already held the position, or the reason's behind not wanting to hold the role at all.

I made the survey quite general with regards to then holding interviews with people after I'd collected the data and sorted out who I wanted to speak to future.

One of the main things I realised Id overlooked, was how personality traits can come into being successful in a management role, not just our communication skills. One of my collegues made me aware of this, mentioning that she was the kind of person that liked to take charge and doesn't mind the responsiblity. It also became apparent that most of the people in my survey that didn't want to be a dance captain mentioned the didn't want the extra stress or responsibilty.

As I continue to hold interview with people I am future extending my knowledge of people's thought's and creating my own views on what I feel make a success manager.

1 comment:

  1. O.K. great... now try not to have too much of a 'view' just yet. See this as a theme in your data.
    It could be the theme of peoples relationship with responsibility and / or a theme about the characteristics of people who tend to be dance captains.

    Have you thought about whether people who have had responsibility tend to say they don't want it and those who have not yet had much of it feel they don't mind?

    It might be hard to generalise about your data so rather than draw a 'view' from it, try to draw themes (areas of ideas that cluster together and tell you that something is relevant in terms of your enquiry.
